Manage all your Hybrid Cloud Resources with Hybr® SDX Datacenter

The hybrid cloud management, automation, and integration platform offers a multi-tenant portal experience that enables you provisioning and management of IaaS VMs across VMware vCenter, System Center / Hyper-V, Azure Stack HCI, Azure Stack Hub, Azure, AWS, etc., It provides a single-pane of glass experience for all your cloud needs.

Hybr® SDX Datacenter - An Alternative Platform for Windows Azure Pack

Many enterprises and service providers alike are wondering about the IT roadmap for delivering multi-tenant cloud experience from their Data Center after Windows Azure Pack.

Hybr® SDX Datacenter is an independent platform built by Cloud Assert for cross-cloud self-management and billing automation.

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Cloudify Your VMware vCenter

Turn vCenter into a multi-tenant self-service cloud with Hybr® SDX Datacenter for Rich Management, Automation, and Billing.

Create a true-cloud experience via Hybr®

Cloud Billing, Management & Orchestration

Automate workloads provisioning, resource utilization tracking, usage reporting across multi-cloud platforms and data sources along with approval workflow processes gives you a total control over your customer policies, pricing profiles, subscriptions, invoices, etc., specifically for the chargeback purposes.

Out of the box integrations for VMWare vCenter, System Center/ Windows Server 2016 and beyond, Open Stack, Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP, Commvault, Veeam, Azure Stack Hub, Azure Stack HCI, XaaS (anything as a service) and more.

Flexible Deployment

  • Integrated UI experience within Azure Stack Hub Portal
  • Portal extension for Windows Azure Pack
  • Cloud Hosted on Microsoft Azure as a SaaS portal
  • On-premise Standalone for Windows Server 2016 and 2019
  • Multiple of the above combinations can be leveraged side by side.

Admin Portal

HYBR Administrator portal helps you to manage your multi-cloud platforms and allow your tenants to provision VMs across those endpoints. It gives you the total control of your tenant subscriptions, invoices, bills, etc., right within your admin portal.

  • Cross-cloud IaaS integrations and Management
  • Ultimate flexibility and control on your Tenant workloads provisioning and deployment
  • Centralized policy management for VM provisioning
  • Usage and Billing for your different services

Tenant Portal

It allows your end-users to manage and provision VMs against their subscriptions, track the resource consumptions and see their ongoing usages in real-time, pay bills right within your tenant portal via the integrated payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, etc.,

  • IaaS resource provisioning and Management
  • Setup n-tier approval workflows with automated actions
  • Bulk VM Provisioning and Policy Management like VM turn On/ Off, etc.,
  • Visibility into ongoing usages and its associated cost

Key Features

Cross-cloud IaaS Integrations

Provision and Manage VMs, Discovery and Sync, Policy Management, Metering and Monitoring & Scheduled tasks

API endpoints Integration

VM Provisioning/management and Billing services are exposed as API endpoints for integration with existing solutions.

Cloud Orchestration

VM Provisioning & Management, Backups, ITSM, Approval Workflows & Portal extensions for Microsoft Azure Stack and Windows Azure Pack

Cloud Governance & Control

Seamless integrations with existing data centers, public and private cloud. Check Policies, Soft budget, Quota Settings, Utilization Tracking & Auditing

Cloud Discovery & Migration

Automated discovery of workloads & Migration of legacy assets to the cloud

Automated Workflows

Enable VM provisioning via manual and automated workflows with multi-level request/order management and approvals.

Hybr® SDX Datacenter Datasheet

Hybr® SDX Datacenter is a cross-cloud automation and integration platform provides a multi-tenant portal experience that enables you to provision and manage your IaaS VMs across VMware vCenter, System Center / Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Stack, AWS, etc., and related resources on a self-service basis.

Download Datasheet


How HYBR Benefits your Organization

Increased IT Efficiency

Centralize Control and Improve Visibility across your Clouds

improved productivity

Single Pane of Experience for all your Cloud Needs

reduced cloud spend

Future-Proof your IT Environments with our Cloud Cost Management


A Leader in Hybrid Cloud Management Since 2014

Cloud Assert has been trusted by Fortune 100 Companies as a Leader in Hybrid Cloud Management, Cost Management and Billing since 2014.

Cloud Assert work closely with Microsoft and our customers in building Hybr VConnect and Billing solutions to complement Microsoft Azure Stack adoption and to deliver a powerful hybrid cloud platform.

We're glad that customers can now take advantage of all the great features of Azure Stack without impacting existing infrastructure investments


Ravi C Kolandaiswamy CEO & Founder

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How to troubleshoot Windows Azure Pack and System Center Usage Pipeline?

Author: siva/Wednesday, August 19, 2015/Categories: Windows Azure Pack, Usage and Billing

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We have been observing that when we deploy the Usage and Billing solution to the clients, System Center records are not updated in the 'Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage' table. Following are some of the possible fixes for the issues that we found in existing deployments of our clients. 


1. Before deploying the Usage and Billing solution make sure you can find 'System Center' records        in 'Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage' database. Execute the following SQL query.

  SELECT count(*)
  FROM [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage].[usage].[Records]
  where ResourceProviderId = (select ProviderId  FROM 
            where ProviderName='systemcenter')

2. If the result is greater than '0', then you can go ahead deploying the Usage and Billing.  

3. If not, please refer the following links to see if the 'VMM --> OperationManager --> OperationsManagerDW --> SPF  --> WAP’ integration is setup fine. 

Step 1: IaaS Usage and Service Reporting using System Center 2012 R2 and Windows Azure Pack

Step 2: Configuring VMM and OM for IaaS usage and metering.

Step 3: Configuring SPF and Windows Azure Pack for IaaS usage and metering.

If you are facing issues even after following all the steps in the above article, then please go through the following steps.


Please make use of the troubleshooting steps on known issues from our client deployments.


a) Checking OperationManager and OperationsManagerDW Integration:

Execute the following query against 'OperationsManagerDW'  database.

SELECT TOP 1000 [ManagedEntityRowId]
  FROM [OperationsManagerDW].[dbo].[ManagedEntity] where DisplayName = 'xxxxx'

xxxx -> Replace it with any VM Name that was recently created from 'WAP'.

If you get some records, then OperationManager and OperationsManagerDW integration is fine. 

b) Troubleshooting the OperationsManagerDW and SPF integration:

1. Please use the following URL replacing with your 'spf-server-name':


2. Provide the respective credentials in the window that prompts.

3. A JSON will be downloaded. Open the file and check if it contains some records. If it does not, then following might be the issues. Incase if you can see the records in JSON file, then please skip this section and go to the section 'Troubleshooting SCSPF DBs'.

Check if you have added any SCSPF setting more than once: 

1. Go to SPF machine.

2. Open the powershell with an administrator privilege.

3. Execute the following command.


4. Result is like below.


5.Make sure if there is only one setting with the name 'SCOM-DB-SERVER-NAME'.

6. If it is more than once, then remove the duplicate 'DB connection string' entry by using the following command (But do not remove the EndpointUrl setting).

 Get-SCSPFSetting -Id 'xxxx' | Remove-SCSPFSetting 


xxxx-> Replace with the actual Id of the setting that you need to remove.


Troubleshooting in SCSPF and WAP Integration:


1. Execute the following query against SCSPF database.

SELECT TOP 1000 [Id]
  FROM [SCSPFDB].[scspf].[SpfUsageRecord]

 order by RecordIndex desc


2. Note the RecordIndex column of the first row from the result. If there are no records then replace 'XXXX' in the following query with '0'.


3.  Update the following query with the noted RecordIndex.
Update [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage].[usage].[ProvidersConfiguration] set LastUsageEventId = 'XXXX' where ProviderName = 'systemcenter'


XXXX - RecordIndex taken from the previous query.

4. Execute the following query to update the ‘DefaultTimeOut’  setting in [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage]  database.

  Update [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage].[usage].[Configuration]  set Value = 600 where    [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage].[usage].[Configuration].[Key] = 'OutgoingCallsDefaultTimeoutInSeconds'

5. Please recycle the usage collector app pool.


6. Check for the System Center records in Microsoft WAP Usage database.


If still usage records are not coming up try the following section. 


401 UnAuthorized Exceptions Stops pulling Usage data:


1. In the same machine where Usage Collector runs check for the following Event Log Name.


2. Under that, check for the logs with the similar Error message.


Provider read error occurred for provider 'systemcenter' instance id: '{04a0de02-6ab6-4e51-9620-df04e41b427a}'. Error: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).

   at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()

   at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Server.Usage.DefaultUsageRecordsReader.<GetRecordsAsync>d__0.MoveNext()

--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()

   at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Server.Usage.CycleRunner.<ProcessProviderInternal>d__19.MoveNext()

3. If you don't find any event logs, then please execute the following query against Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage database.

  FROM [Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage].[UsageDiagnostics].[ProviderCollectionCycles]
  where ResourceProviderId = (select ProviderId  FROM 
            where ProviderName='sqlservers') 
   order by ProviderCycleID desc

4. Now check for the Error column and see if you have similar '401 (Unauthorized)' Error message given in Step2. 

5. Incase if you find '401 (Unauthorized)' message, please go to Admin Portal --> VM Clouds.

 a. click on the Cloud icon.

 b. Click on the link under 'Register Service Provider Usage' and set the appropriate username and password.

 c. Now restart the UsageCollector service and check for the System Center usage records in Microsoft.MgmtSvc.Usage database.

We will keep updating this article, as we came across new issues in our U&B customer deployments.


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8 comments on article "How to troubleshoot Windows Azure Pack and System Center Usage Pipeline?"

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