Author: Anonym/Monday, September 16, 2019/Categories: Products, Hybr, Tech Tuesday
Previously on Tech Tuesday #12 we discussed on How to track and bill subscriptions using Hybr. It was briefed about how Hybr bills the purchased CSP products. In Hybr admin portal, the Billing module takes care of all your billing needs. In the Billing module dashboard, the following data such as the number of users ( Tenants), subscriptions, databases, CSP licenses, VMs, total running VMs, total cores, total memory, and total storage.
There are types of two pricing profiles that are available. In the usage-based model, Hybr itself automatically gets the Microsoft pricing profiles with help of Microsoft API. In the license-based model, import or download it from the Microsoft partner center. As Microsoft will update its pricing each month it has to be downloaded every month for current pricing. In the partner center portal pricing and offer page, we can find the license-based services, usage-based services, license-based services(prices list pilot), Microsoft Azure reserved instances and software subscription.
In this Tech Tuesday, Cloud Assert Software Engineer Mr. G.Divyesh talks about Top 14 benefits of CSP users using Hybr. The Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) helps in going beyond license reselling and delivers the best tailor-made cloud solution that perfectly fits any customer's needs.
Benefits of CSP users using Hybr
Kindly watch the full video for a better understanding. We address most of our customer's queries or clarifications. So, feel free to contact us if you have any other queries to
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